Actively Promoting the Sport of Archery Since 1957
Rapids Archery Traditional Shoot Proudly Presents:
Shooting Seminar!
with the Legendary
Jim Ploen
Saturday, June 8, 2024
Seminar Topics:
How the Bow and Arrow Work
The Archer's Role When Using a Bow
String Alignment
String Clearances
Target Panic
Establishing an Eye/Arrow/Nock Reference
Anchoring the Scapula to Develop a Consistent Release and Follow-Through in the Bow Arm
About Jim Ploen
Inducted into Minnesota Archery Hall of Fame.
He shot a perfect 300 at a major tournament with a Herter's Recurve and used a brad nail for a rest.
1965, 1968 Ben Pearson International Open Champion.
Designed the 21st Century Longbow which has won 11 IBO World Championships.
Has worked with the Canada Olympic Archery Team
Has conducted electromyographic studies at the University of Minnesota regarding muscle usage during the draw, and release of the arrow.
Has hunted across the United States, Alaska and New Zealand.
Two Sessions on Saturday:
11:00AM & 3:00PM
Free to Registered Shooters!
Email Your RSVP by Saturday, May 25:
Day of the event registration is
Limited Seating
RSVP to guarantee your place!